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 Beaumont Groups
12 sub-regions
 District 90 Area wide Groups
32 sub-regions

* District 90 is located in the Beaumont area.

North – Jasper County Line from Hwy 69 to Newton County Line, Newton County Line to Sabine River (Texas Border). East – Sabine River (Texas Border) from northern boundary of Newton County to Sabine Pass, line south to Three-League Line south of Sabine Pass. South- Sabine Pass, a line west from Texas Boarder along the coast line to the intersection of Hwy 124 and Hwy 87 on High Island West – Corner of Hwy 87 and Hwy 124, north and east on Hwy124 to Hwy 365, Hwy 365 to Hwy 326, Hwy 326 north to Hwy 69 at the intersection of Tyler and Jasper County Lines.